Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Mommy says no pics in my costume until this will have to do for now ;)

I promise...

I promise no babies were harmed in the making of these photos...

Best Friends

Pop Pop and Dianna's wedding

Conner Prairie with Kathryn

Somehow Mommy talked Kathryn into going to Conner Prairie with us.  She must be a pretty good friend! (I think the carmel apple helped make it bearable ;)

Kinkle and Meredith

John Kinkle and Meredith brought a little Florida sunshine our way!  I loved getting to meet them both!

October Fun!

Here are some random pictures from October

Me in the chair my great-grandpa made
Mommy and me
I love to try to stand what if it only lasts for a second!
Before Mommy goes to work she changes my diaper and then throws me in bed with Daddy.  I think you can tell why it is hard for her to leave in the mornings!
Me with my Uncle Nick